The 2011 report shows that the pace of abandonment of female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C), is accelerating in the fourth year of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme, which h...
Every pregnant woman hopes for an uncomplicated pregnancy and a healthy baby; however, globally 1,500 women and adolescent girls die every day from problems related to pregnancy an...
In 2000, the Egyptian Ministry of Health (MOH) and FHI conducted a study to evaluate selected curable STIs among various Egyptian population groups in Greater Cairo. The STI preval...
In 2000, the Egyptian Ministry of Health (MOH) and FHI conducted a study to evaluate selected curable STIs among various Egyptian population groups in Greater Cairo. The STI preval...
Participants • Physicians, nurses, and laboratory technicians within STI clinics • Physicians and nurses providing STI services to outreached most-at-risk populations (MA...
UNFPA, guided by its mandate on Reproductive Health (RH), which covers the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality, and combating Gender Based Violence, and UNICEF by it...
Pursuant to resolution 54/7 of the Commission on the Status of Women, the present report provides information on measures taken by Member States and activities carried out within t...
Expanding Family Planning Method-Mix to include new contraceptive methods is considered one of the pivotal strategies to confront the challenges to the FP program in Egypt. The new...
In June 2008, The Egyptian Parliament passed the Child law no. 12 of 1996 amended by law 126 of 2008 that was submitted by the National Council for Childhood. The amendments includ...