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Experts discuss integration of reproductive health topics in education and culture

Experts discuss integration of reproductive health topics in education and culture


Experts discuss integration of reproductive health topics in education and culture

calendar_today 22 October 2024

Education and Culture Promoting Human Rights Integrating Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Population Issues panel.
Education and Culture Promoting Human Rights Integrating Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Population Issues panel.

Experts discussed the importance of integrating comprehensive reproductive health and rights in the education system, as well as beyond formal education, in a panel discussion held at the Global Congress on Population, Health and Human Development on October 22.

The panel, titled “Education and Culture Promoting Human Rights Integrating Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Population Issues,” brought together Dr. Ahmed Fouad Hano, Minister of Culture, Mr. Yves Sassenrath, UNFPA Representative in Egypt, Dr. Issa Al Masarweh, Rapporteur of the National Population Council in Jordan, Dr. Hossam Badrawi, President of the Badrawi Foundation for Education and Development and Mr. Ahmed Khaled, President of the New Giza University Medical Association.

The panel was moderated by Ambassador Moushira Khattab, Head of the National Council for Human Rights.

Panelists discussed how to integrate age-appropriate reproductive health and population issues in formal education in Egypt, and listened to the experience of Jordan in successfully doing so. Panelists also discussed how to shed light on these topics and address harmful social norms beyond formal education, through cultural activities such as theater, music and so on.

“Changing deep-seated norms requires engaging with communities on their cultural terms,” Sassenrath said.

He explained that engaging youth as drivers of change is key, and called for building on the success of youth friendly services.

Concluding, Sassenrath said that women and girls are vectors of peace. “Investing in reproductive health and rights is an investment in peace,” he said.


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