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RFQ: Monitoring & Evaluation Company to Conduct Programme Baseline

RFQ: Monitoring & Evaluation Company to Conduct Programme Baseline


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UNFPA hereby solicits a quotation for the following service:

Monitoring & Evaluation Company to Conduct Programme Baseline


UNFPA requires the provision of technical expertise in the field of monitoring and evaluation to conduct a baseline study for UNFPA’s project funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) on “Protection, Services and, Empowerment: Invest in A Zero-Tolerance Environment against All Forms of Gender Based Violence Against Women and Girls (GBVAWG) in Egypt”.

 This Request for Quotation is open to all legally constituted companies that can provide the requested services and have legal capacity to perform in Egypt, or through an authorized representative.

Expected Deliverables:

In close Consultation with UNFPA team, the selected company is expected to deliver:

1- Inception Report:


The inception report should outline the objective, methodology, tools, sampling plan, outline/framework of the final report, and work plan of the remaining work for the assignment


2- Data Collection:


Data collection should capture data across the following key areas:

●   Measure key indicators as defined in the project log frame.

●   Key social, cultural, political and economic issues from a gender perspective relevant to the project.

●   Collect and analyse primary (quantitative and qualitative) and secondary data on relevant project indicators to establish key insights relevant to the effective and efficient implementation of the project.

●   Analyse and interpret data to develop a comprehensive baseline assessment report detailing mechanisms to track and monitor programme indicators.


The quality of the collected data should be ensured through regular feedback and data analyses. Data entry should be ensured through a reliable data entry database


3- Production of Draft Report:


The draft report should cover the methodology of data collection, limitations of the study, and provide a complete analysis of the collected data according to a report outline to be agreed with UNFPA in the Inception Report;


4-Final Report & Presentation:


The final report should incorporate comments on the draft report from UNFPA. The selected company is expected to present the findings and recommendations of the final report.


The deadline for submission of questions is Sunday 10 November 2024: 13:00 pm Cairo Local Time.

The deadline for submitting technical and financial quotations is Sunday, 17 November 2024, 13:00 pm Cairo Local Time

Submission to Email egypt.tenders@unfpa.org