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RFQ: For Firms, National Educational/Research Institutions and/or Individual Consultants to Conduct an Assessment of UNFPA Egypt Partnerships

RFQ: For Firms, National Educational/Research Institutions and/or Individual Consultants to Conduct an Assessment of UNFPA Egypt Partnerships


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For Firms, National Educational/Research Institutions and/or Individual Consultants

to Conduct an Assessment of UNFPA Egypt Partnerships


UNFPA requires the provision of technical expertise to conduct a Study on the Assessment of UNFPA Egypt Partnerships.


 Objectives and scope of the Services:  please read full details in the attached RFQ document)

Egypt was one of the first countries to sign an agreement with UNFPA Country Office (CO) to initiate population activities. While the implementation of the SDGs in Egypt is a country-led process, it requires aid effectiveness and partnerships between all sectors. The goals will only be realized with a strong commitment to global partnership and international cooperation, as highlighted through SDG 17, “Partnerships for the Goals”.


Quotations should be submitted in a single email whenever possible, depending on file size. Quotations must contain:

a)         Technical proposal, in response to the requirements outlined in the service requirements/ TORs including the following:

●        Brief outline of the supplier’s understanding of the TOR and proposed methodology/approach to conduct the assignment;

●        Firm Profile, copies of CV(s) of the supporting team, outlining who will undertake the different roles within the assignment;


    b)      Price quotation, to be submitted strictly in accordance with the below price quotation form.


Deadline for submitting quotation : 14 October 2020 at 15:00


Submission email: Please submit your quotation to egypt.tenders@unfpa.org  only without ccing anyone else at UNFPA