Title: Production and Dissemination of “Child Marriage” animated Infographic.
- Develop a long (3mins) and short (1.5 mints) versions of an
animated infographic in Arabic based on qualitative and quantitative data provided by UNFPA.
- Editing of the material in full coordination with UNFPA/NPC to
ensure complete reflection of the activity and its impact on the society.
- Dissemination and media buying of the completed material on
digital news platforms with a three times a week frequency over a period of one month. Ex: AJ+, Al Youm al Sabe’e, Step feed Masr…etc.
- Translation and subtitling of the final approved material.
- Develop and implement 3 on-line surveys on the attitudes of the
audience on child marriage (self-completing survey questionnaires)
- Submit a report on the reach, engagement of audience, survey
response rate with a summary on audience attitudes.
• Time frame:
Infographic and dissemination Plan: End of November.
Dissemination: One Month all December
Final Report: End of December
* Deadline for Submission: November 7th, 2017