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Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Change. UNFPA- UNICEF Joint Programme: 2008 Annual Report

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Change. UNFPA- UNICEF Joint Programme: 2008 Annual Report
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Change. UNFPA- UNICEF Joint Programme: 2008 Annual Report


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Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Change. UNFPA- UNICEF Joint Programme: 2008 Annual Report

Publication date

18 December 2008

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Since its establishment in 2008, the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on FGM/C in Egypt has supported several initiatives/programmes at the community, district and national levels. It has contributed to the development of evidence-based data, monitoring mechanisms and guiding documents.

The UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme has been working closely with the Ministry of Family and Population (MOFP) and Ministry of Health (MOH) to address the growing challenge of medicalization, reinforcement of the FGM/C ban law, and mobilizing social change at the community levels. Furthermore, the Joint Programme has assisted in building capacity of youth, religious leaders, NGOs and medical doctors to advocate against the practice.