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Ministry of Health and Population, EU and UNFPA delegation visits family planning units in Sohag

Ministry of Health and Population, EU and UNFPA delegation visits family planning units in Sohag


Ministry of Health and Population, EU and UNFPA delegation visits family planning units in Sohag

calendar_today 26 September 2019

A delegation from the European Union (EU), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) conducted a field visit in Sohag on September 26, 2019 to follow up on the progress of Egypt’s National Population Strategy project, supported by the EU. 

The visit coincided with World Contraception Day, which aims to raise awareness on family planning (FP) and enable people of reproductive age to make informed choices on their reproductive health.

The delegation was headed by Dr. Sahar al-Sonbaty, Head of Population and Family Planning Sector - MOHP, Jean-Marie Moreau, Head of the Human and Social Development at EU Delegation to Egypt, Raphaël Demouliere, EU Attaché - Social, Rural and Regional Development,  Nada Naja, Head of Unit, Reproductive Health and Harmful Practices Unit, UNFPA, Cairo office, and Maha Wanis, UNFPA Sexual and Reproductive Health Program Specialist UNFPA, Cairo office. They were scheduled to meet with H. E. the governor of Sohag, Dr. Ahmed El Ansary, as well as visit FP clinics, and attend the training of community health workers.

The delegation also attended “Al-Wessam” award ceremony with H.E. the governor, whereby FP clinics were recognized for their outstanding efforts in providing quality FP family planning services.

Al-Wessam is an accreditation system where FP clinics across Egypt are assessed based on a set of indicators and criteria set by the MOHP, and awarded based on their score.

The criteria include, among others: 

  1. Having a sufficient stock of two to three months of basic contraceptive methods,
  2. Provision of correct information during counselling by doctors and nurses,
  3. Provision of safe FP  services in accordance with standards of practice,
  4. Commitment to infection control standards,
  5. Increase in the number of beneficiaries.  

Once awarded, the clinic keeps the award for one year as long as it continues to maintain the set standards. It is then nominated for monetary rewards should it keep it for a full year.

The visit also included an exhibition at the Women’s Health Club, whereby women displayed handmade products that were produced on the sidelines of the FP seminar.

The National Population Strategy project is funded by the EU, and aims at increasing the use of voluntary, rights-based FP though improved supply of FP services and commodities, increased demand for FP, and enhanced population governance. It will ultimately benefit Egyptians of reproductive age who will have more choices regarding the size of their families, as well as the timing and spacing children. 

With the support of an EU-grant of 27 Million Euros, UNFPA, upon the request of the Government of Egypt, led the drafting process of the National Population Strategy, and now holds the pen to facilitate its actual implementation and inter-institutional coordination.