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Costed Implementation Plan To Ensure Contraceptives Security


In the context of the support provided by UNFPA to the Ministry of Health and Population, it was agreed to prepare a five-year costed implementation plan (CIP) to implement a series of interventions to ensure commodity security for family planning program in addition estimate required funds to implement identified interventions, to ensure the mobilization of required funds through the government or donor agencies.

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Violence against women with disabilities

Violence against women with disabilities


The National Council for Women (NCW) released the findings of the first national study conducted on violence against women with disabilities on February 27, in partnership with UNFPA, the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), UN Women and UNDP.

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Rapid Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Reproductive Health Service Seeking Behavior

Rapid Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Reproductive Health Service Seeking Behavior


UNFPA Egypt called for an assessment to identify changes in reproductive health and family planning, services seeking behavior by women in the reproductive age during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as an identification of the underlying reasons.

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Localization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and UNFPA launched 27 reports on the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 27 governorates.

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Noura - The Girls Assets Framework

Fact Sheet

Noura is the symbol for adolescent girls in Egypt and represents the Girls Assets Framework. 

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EU Support of Egypt's National Population Strategy - Quarter 2, 2021 Achievements


The EU Support to Egypt's National Population Strategy project is funded by the European Union and aims at increasing the use of voluntary, rights-based family planning through improved supply of family planning services and commodities, increased demand for family planning, and enhanced governance for implementation of the National Population Strategy. 

This newsletter shows the project's achievements during the second quarter of 2021, carried out under each of its outcomes: 

- FP services including contraceptive commodities scaled-up and more accessible (supply side).

- Youth and population in reproductive age educated on FP, public awareness on the value of smaller family sized raised (demand side).

- Institutional capacities for monitoring and coordination of the implementation of the NPS strengthened (population governance).

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 Y-PEER Interactive Online Toolkit

Y-PEER Interactive Online Toolkit

Technical Reports and Document

This guide was designed by Y-PEER in cooperation with the Egyptian Family Planning Association, with the support of UNFPA to help facilitators (peer educators/trainers) to manage and design interative educational sessions and manage topics through different platforms, in line with the recent restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This represents an alternative in line with Y-PEER's learning methodology providing and knowledge through interactive means. 

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Family Planning and the Opinions of Contemporary Imams of Jurisprudence manual

Family Planning and the Opinions of Contemporary Imams of Jurisprudence manual


Al-Azhar University’s International Islamic Center for Population Studies and Research (IICPSR) and UNFPA launched in 2021 the "Family Planning and the Opinions of Contemporary Imams of Jurisprudence" manual, with the support of the European Union (EU).

The manual brings to light the Islamic perspective on family planning from the most prestigious religious leaders in Egypt. It is used by religious leaders from the Ministry of Endowments and students from al-Azhar University.

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 Population Education Curriculum

Population Education Curriculum


Al-Azhar University’s International Islamic Center for Population Studies and Research (IICPSR) and UNFPA launched in 2021 the Population Education Curriculum and the Family Planning and the Opinions of Contemporary Imams of Jurisprudence manual, with the support of the European Union (EU).

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EU Support to Egypt's National Population Strategy - Year 3 in Review


The EU Support to Egypt's National Population Strategy project is funded by the European Union and aims at increasing the use of voluntary, rights-based family planning through improved supply of family planning services and commodities, increased demand for family planning, and enhanced governance for implementation of the National Population Strategy. 

This newsletter shows the project's achievements during its third year.

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