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UNFPA, in collaboration with the National Council for Women, launched the activities of a training program aimed at eliminating harmful practices against girls, notably female genital mutilation (FGM).

Over 40 facilitators from the National Council for Women were trained on how to implement the "Intergenerational Dialogue" methodology, which is one of the specialized tools for social and behavioral change to eliminate harmful practices. It aims at fostering community engagement and address entrenched negative gender and social norms driving the practice of FGM.

The training took place from April 28 to May 1, 2024, with support of the Norwegian Embassy, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and in collaboration with Outreach consultancy firm.

Outreach delivered comprehensive capacity-building initiatives, equipping partners with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively employ the Intergenerational Dialogue methodology. The workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs, aim to drive meaningful dialogue, mobilize agents for change, and catalyze social transformation within their communities.