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Vendors applied for this tender are not requested to re-apply



For Firms and/or individual consultants

To conduct a Rapid Assessment of COVID-19’s Impact on Reproductive Health

and Family Planning Service Seeking Behavior


UNFPA requires the provision of technical expertise to conduct a rapid assessment of COVID19’s impact on reproductive health and family planning service seeking behavior in the context of the pandemic in Egypt.

This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted firms as well as individual consultants that can provide the requested services and have legal capacity to deliver in the country, or through an authorized representative.

Expected deliverables:

1.       Scientifically accepted survey methodology.

2.       Well-designed and constructed survey instruments (KII guides for women in reproductive health age).

3.       KII reports and transcripts

4.       Draft assessment report.

5.       The final report in English and Arabic, as well as a power point presentation in both languages. All the findings are the properties of UNFPA and cannot be shared with others without the concurrence of UNFPA.


Deadline: September 14, 2020, 15:00 Cairo Time