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Global Congress on Population Health and Development 2023

Where Cairo, Egypt
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September 5

Opening Ceremony

Dr. Laila Baker, ASRO Regional Director

September 6

9:00-10:15 Auditorium
Good governance for healthy population
  • Mr. Alhaji Nasir Isa Kwara, Chairman, National Population Commission, Nigeria
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rizal Martua Damanik, MRepSc, PhD, Deputy of Research, Training and Development, BKKBN, Indonesia
12:00-12:45 Auditorium
Population Dynamics and Environmental Sustainability

Dr. Angela Baschieri, Technical Lead Climate Change and Regional Advisor, Population Dynamics, UNFPA, ESARO, Johannesburg, South Africa

15:00-16:00 Auditorium
The Demographic Dividend: Economic Impacts and Opportunities
  • Dr. Eliya Zulu, Executive Director and Founder of the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP), Malawi (Winner of UN Population Award 2023)
  • Dr. Elizeu Chaves Junior, UNFPA HQ, New York
  • Moderator: Dr. Tej Ram Jat, Programme Specialist, UNFPA Egypt
16:00-17:15 Auditorium
Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality towards a healthy population

Ms. Frederika Meijer, UNFPA EgyptRepresentative

September 7

09:00-10:00 Auditorium
Primary Healthcare: A cornerstone for development

Dr. Rondi Anderson, PhD, Midwifery Expert, UNFPA, Syria

11:30-12:30 Auditorium
Sexual and Reproductive Health for All

Moderator - Dr. Hala Youssef, Sexual and Reproductive Health Regional Adviser, UNFPA Arab States, Former Minister of Population in Egypt

September 8

9:45-10:45 Auditorium
Investing for the future: Opportunities and Trends

H.E. Mr. Christian Berger, Ambassador of the European Union to the Arab Republic of Egypt

9:45-10:45 Chantel B
Investing in 3 transformative results: realizing powerful returns
  • Dr. Davide DeBeni, Health Economics Adviser, UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Prof. Hala Abou-Ali, Vice President of the Institute of National Planning, Egypt
  • Dr. Laila Baker, Regional Director, UNFPA
  • Moderator, Dr. Hala Youssef, Sexual and Reproductive Health Regional Advisor, Arab States Regional Office, UNFPA
9:45-10:45 Auditorium
Investing in Human Capital: A Catalyst for Population Health and Development

H.E. Dr. Sawsan Majali, Senior Health Systems Strengthening Advisor, Government of Jordan

9:45-10:45 Florence A
Human and Child Rights Approaches to Improve Population Characteristics

Dr. Shadia Elshiwy, UNFPA Arab States Regional Office

11:30 - 12:30 Auditorium
New approaches in family planning
  • Dr. Ashraf Abdulkareem Ali Badr, Chairman and policy and strategy advisor for Yamaan Foundation, Yemen
  • Dr. Ayman Abdelmohsen, Programme Leader, UNFPA HQ, New York
  • Moderator, Dr. Maha Mowafy, UNFPA Egypt
14:30 - 15:30 Auditorium
Health Surveillance and Population Forecasting: Data Analytics for Development Acceleration

Prof. Dr. Amira Tawadros, Associate Professor of Socio-Computing, Director of Cairo Demographic Center, Executive Manager of the National Program for Development of Egyptian Families (NPDEF)