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UNFPA and national partners launched Noura’s Framework, a tailored program for adolescent girls, to help build their social, health and economic assets.




The Noura Framework

UNFPA and the National Council for Women launched the Noura Framework in 2021. Noura is the National Girl Empowerment initiative, under the auspices of the First Lady Intissar al-Sisi. It is implemented within the framework of the National Project for the Development of the Egyptian Family.

About Noura

Who is Noura?

Noura is the symbol for every adolescent girl in Egypt.

She is the central character who represents the investment in adolescent girls through building their health, social and economic assets through the Girls Assets Building Program.


About the framework

The Noura Framework responds to the National Strategy for the Empowerment of Egyptian Women 2030, the National Project for the Development of the Egyptian Family and the Haya Karima project, and will contribute to the SDG targets set in Egypt’s Vision 2030. 


How the framework works

The program places adolescent girls ‘aspirations and needs at the center:

  • Empowers adolescent girls by providing them with health, social, economic, and digital assets to make their own choices
  • Creates positive social and gender norms towards adolescent girls within their households and communities
  • Strengthens systems to ensure quality and accessible services responsive to adolescent girls in Haya Karima villages


How the framework works

Who it targets

  • Adolescent girls aged from 10-14 with special focus on the 12-13 age group and on those who are the most left behind.
  • Young women aged 18-24, who will act as mentors of the asset-building program and come from the same villages. They will go through the same social health and economic assets building framework in a short time frame.  
  • A variety of community members – namely family members in her household, community members, religious and community leaders, young people and youth networks, including men and boys.
  • Service providers as well as advocacy to policy and law staff will be capacitated and engaged to create a system environment supporting and promoting adolescent girls’ empowerment. 
Who it targets

Where it will be implemented

The Noura Framework will initially kick off in 20 villages of Haya Karima reaching adolescent girls and mentors, young women aged 18-24 from the same villages.

The mentors along with supervisors will be responsible to ensure that the households and village are taken along in all activities, ensuring through creative means such as interactive theater, sports, developing songs, comic drawing etc. that the empowerment of the girls will not happen in isolation.

Where it will be implemented
Noura at COP 27

Noura at COP 27

Climate Change deepens existing challenges facing adolescent girls. An alarming number of girls around the world are affected by climate crises.

Climate crises can disrupt health services and education, they can also cause girls to miss school, giving priority to other daily tasks. They can heighten the risk of girls being married off early.

Promoting girls' empowerment is an urgent task in the face of the current climate crisis. Empowered girls can help their communities become more resilient and can contribute to climate change solutions.

That is why UNFPA is advocating for empowering girls and putting them at the center of adaptation responses to climate change.

Noura at COP 27
COP 27

COP 27

In November 2022, Egypt will host the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27). UNFPA works towards empowering young people to fulfill their potential and for them to have a seat at the climate talks table.

UNFPA is leading two events in the One UN Pavilion at COP27, one highlighting creative means of youth climate action and another showcasing UNFPA’s Edutainment Model for Community Engagement. UNFPA is also joining other UN agencies in events focusing on gender equality, reproductive health and youth empowerment.

COP 27

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