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This Request for Quotation is open to

 Firms, National Educational/Research Institutions and/or Individual Consultants

For Conducting a Midterm Review (MTR) of the UNFPA 10th Country Programme in Egypt


UNFPA requires the provision of technical expertise to conduct a Midterm Review (MTR) of the UNFPA 10th Country Programme (CP) in Egypt.

This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted firms, national educational/research institutions as well as for individual consultants that can provide the requested services and have legal capacity to deliver in Egypt, or through an authorized representative.

The CPD MTR will have the following objectives: Please review full details in the attached Terms of References

·       Assessment of progress so far towards achievement of the outcomes and outputs in the CPD and Output Operationalization Tool (OOT),

·       Reviewing effectiveness of the CPD results and resources framework specifically the budget allocations assessing how realistic/relevant and measurable they are and make recommendations for improvement,

·       Developing a metadata for the updated results and resources framework’s indicators,

·       Reviewing coherence in delivery of the overall CP and recommend ways in which the technical and support staff among others may increase its effectiveness of program delivery in the remaining period of the current cycle,

·       Analysis of accelerators and identification of the implementation strengths and weaknesses, constraints and opportunities, lessons learned and best practices,

·       Assessment of the contextual situation in Egypt, programme rationale and changes since inception of the CPD that are relevant for the continuation of the implementation of the CPD, and in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic,

·       Assessment of continued relevance of strategic approaches and expected results, vis a vis Global SP three transformative results, SDGs, National SDS: Egypt Vision 2030 and UNPDF,

·       Assessment of the continued relevance to the needs of the Egyptian people and refugees,

·       Assessment of capacity levels and needs for continuation of implementation of the CPD,

·       Review the status of partnerships, highlight other partnership opportunities and risk management and

·       Identification of priority actions for improved programme design, quality and implementation.

Deadline for submitting technical and financial quotation: Monday, 12 October 2020 at 23:00pm 

Submission: Please submit your technical & financial quotation to: egypt.tenders@unfpa.org  .