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Egypt Demographic and Health Surveys (EDHS) have been conducted in Egypt since 1988 to provide information to policy makers and researchers about the health situation in the country. The EDHS is repeated regularly (every 3-5 years) and it offers useful information while also monitoring and evaluating changes in maternal and child health indicators. Policy makers; therefore, can use data from the EDHS series to monitor and evaluate current family planning and health programmes, and also plan future health-related strategies. In order to facilitate the use of the EDHS amongst policy makers and health providers, and to highlight important information in the report, UNICEF and UNFPA produced materials for dissemination that simplify the EDHS findings in the form of booklets and brochures. These materials will be distributed to policy makers, health providers and social workers and aim to increase the awareness of interested stakeholders in EDHS data and to help in the monitoring and evaluation o